Kula Mentorship Program 9/17/24 - 11/19/24
I’m very excited about this mentorship program. We meet Sundays this fall. You’ll meet with your peers (both veteran and Aspiring teachers) to support one another, workshop ideas, practice together, and inspire creativity and confidence in your teaching. We’ll also discuss anatomy, philosophy, adjustments, teaching online, cultural appropriation, and more… All details here
Private mentorship w/ Rebecca
Teaching yoga can be quite isolating and offers very little feedback from elders in the field. A formal mentorship program has been a solid way for me to help others refine their teaching methodology and to inspire my own.
The teachers I mentor tend to fall into several categories. Some are new to the field and don’t quite feel equipped enough from their trainings to dive right into teaching. The mentorship in this case serves as scaffolding to gradually build up confidence and skills needed to enter into the yoga classroom. Some have been teaching for years but feel stuck or even uninspired. In this case, the readings, homework assignments, and projects we do together are meant to rejuvenate the teacher’s approach and freshen up their offerings. Others feel they need a refresher in terms of anatomy, adjustments, yoga philosophy, etc… Still others mention they are seeking a mentorship to further refine their philosophies regarding cultural appropriation, consent, trauma-informed yoga, biomechanics, research, making enough money, changing one’s teaching style and so on. I love the mentorship program because it can be fully customizable to the specific teacher’s needs. The mentorship is beneficial for me, too, as it re-inspires me and gives me a group of students that I know I can rely on for subbing and/or assisting me in workshops/trainings.
Mentorship will include the following but will be customized to your personal teaching goals:
Observe/take my group class at Kula
afterwards we discuss 1 on 1 for an hour - anatomy, adjustments, sequencing, progressing and regressing asana to meet student's needs, holding space, refining your voice, teaching to ALL levels, your goals, etc...
I will take your group class and give feedback to include similar topics as listed in above bullet pt
Attend/assist my workshops around NYC
Informal book report/reflections on Bhagavad Gita and the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali w/my feedback & sessions in which we discuss your findings/thoughts
Final project of your choosing that is useful to you (i.e. create a workshop, design 5 classes, a marketing plan for getting privates, etc...)